Sunday, 15 July 2012


DB - How did Tosyn Bucknor become Area mama.
TOSYN- I started out at Top Radio and began the traffic show by getting people to scream 'Area' and say what was happening in their Area
I then began calling myself 'Area Mama'

DB - Most people know you as an OAP, what other things do you do?
TOSYN - A lot o!
I'm a singer-songwriter (as CON.tra.diction). Check out
I'm a writer. I've written for so many magazines (online and print), and had a weekly column in The Guardian for a few years. I've also worked on television (eg, 'My Mum and I', 'Citi Sistas', Apprentice Africa', etc)
I run s.h.a.r.e, a Media, Entertainment and Networking company!

DB - What is the best part about being an OAP
TOSYN - Hard to decide!!! But music. Being around music is such a blessing

DB - What is the biggest challenge you have faced as a young nigerian working to make her voice heard?
TOSYN - No light o!
NEPA bring the light

DB - What would you consider your greatest achievement?
TOSYN - Haven't got it yet!

DB - What is the one thing that if you were ever able to do,would forever
top the chart as your greatest achievement?
TOSYN - Eating

DB - With all your achievements, what keeps you so humble and grounded?
TOSYN - God.

DB - What would you say is the driving force that inspires you to do so much?
TOSYN - I'm not completely sure. Fear of failure? Or maybe the fact that I see every day as a gift and want to make it count!

DB - There are so many facets to your personality, but if you could
describe yourself in one word. What would it be?
TOSYN - 5ve

DB - If you could steal one body part, one personality trait, and one
material thing form anyperson/persons, what would they be?
TOSYN - Uche Nwokocha's waist
Funke Bucknor-Obruthe's ability to just be and let everyone be
the richest man's money

DB - Any word of encouragement for the young nigerian?
TOSYN - Stay young and put God first!

To find out more about Tosyn Bucknor check out her blog

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