Sunday, 15 July 2012


Yea, that's right. Nelly Kim Furtado, the versatile Canadian 'Promiscious' singer is back. if you, like me, have been wondering where the pretty hitmaker has been for the past couple of years since her number one album "LOOSE"..... well, wonder no more. Her song BIG HOOPS(THE BIGGER THE BETTER) has been getting massive airplay, it is the first single off her upcoming album The Spirit Indestructible scheduled to be released in September of this year. The song is obviously not the best we've heard from her but lets see what the rest of the singles and the album itself holds. "The Spirit Indestructible" is the second single off her newest project, she says its an "ode to the spirit which lives in all of us"

      Furtado says she was inspired to write the songs by the different kinds of songs she had been listening to weeks before, songs that were heavy and "made your blood feel things" and she had thought "wow, this is really missing in music, that rawness, that energy, that power, i think music can tap into a lot of powerful emotions". the song and album is reminiscent of "Whoa Nelly" her first album released in 2000.

     I do think Nelly can do no wrong and I'm eagerly awaiting the album; with Nelly's personality and unique voice, its all good.
    The BIG HOOPS video is bursting with a lot of energy and colour, of course Nelly is wearing possibly the biggest hoops I've ever seen on anyone. (just in case you didn't know what hoops are, if you've ever seen those round earrings then you know it) she is walking down the street with people staring at her. and NO its not just cos of the hoops.......... I wont tell you what else they are staring at.
So if you haven't seen the video, and the Spirit Indestructible video check out both on You tube. WELCOME back Nelly!!!

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