Friday, 25 October 2013


 Hey beautiful people, TGIF right?! We've all been looking forward to this weekend, I know I have. As someone I know would say "How dey go, dey go?". Hope you guys  have been good since I've been away! No naughty business.........

Let me start today's post by saying that I'm really upset with all these people who make the most amazing movies, they've ruined our perception on many things. Movies have so influenced us that we've come to expect what happens in movies born out of someone's imagination to be our own reality. movies or series (which I'm addicted to) have become the yard stick with which we measure ourselves, others and the world in general. Before you think I'm a movie hater or one of those puritans of the Augustan era who were against all forms of entertainment, I'm not. In fact, if you watch MTV you'll remember an old advert of theirs which had a slogan "Never give up your M". I'm just like that, I'll  never give up my M be it Music, my MUM or Movies!

It's just that real life is so far removed from what we see in these movies, friends aren't as great as those ones in Sex and the City.... relationships don't always work out like in the telenovellas, the bad guy doesn't always die, in fact when one dies another one springs up, they are like weed! The shy, good girl doesn't always get the handsome, popular jock like in the Disney movies. The only part I'm sure is true is what they tell us in all these end of the world movies, Africa doesn't get destroyed! No, think about it...... You remember 2012? Day After  Tomorrow etc nothing happens to Africa because everyone would get wiped off, there are no emergency services just for a fire outbreak..... imagine what would happen if the heavens started raining Fire and Brimstone! No, God is merciful, He knows there is hardly any hope in such a situation so He won't let that happen.

Oops, did I digress?

Anyway, back to the matter! People are just that. People. They aren't perfect, they will let you down, break your heart, betray you..... in MJ's words "Its Human Nature" to expect otherwise would be foolishness. They don't do it because they derive pleasure from all doing these things (though there are those whose hearts are blackened, they are of a different class entirely) but it just so happens that we aren't superheroes, we can be selfish creatures and are sometimes held captive by situations and circumstances! I always use this example, say someone promised 100 grand to pay your rent due on the 29th, the failure to pay would cause your landlord to evict you from your home. Morning of the 29th you call Mr promise but after several rings without a response; you send a text "Good morning sir, how was your night and how is the family? hope well, if so thanks be to God. Please sir, i hope you have not forgotten your promise to send me some money to pay my rent. and as explained my landlord has given us today as the last day to pay. I will be expecting something from you sir. May God bless you and reward you richly. thank you"
 (Lol, see the phrasing of that text. Isn't that the way you would send it?)

Long story short you never got a response from Mr Promise, via text, call or bank alert! He let you down. What's the first things that pops into your mind? He never intended to help anyway" Right?

Maybe right, maybe wrong!

Here are a couple of scenarios,
 Mr Promise was expecting a cheque from one of his debtors who had sworn to pay on the 28th, this Mr Debtor never sent the cheque and all atemps to reach him failed even till the following week and it was out of this money Mr Promise was going to send the money to Mr Can't Pay His Rent (Henceforth referred to as Mr CPHR)

Mr Promise being a good husband told his wife of his intention to give 100 grand to Mr CPHR and wifey says "what, which money? Lai Lai, what of the money you've been promising to send to mama in the village, so my mother is not important abi?" All attempts to convince her otherwise failed so because Mr Promise would rather have peace at home, he diverts the money to mama's account

Mr Promise, got wind of a super deal which would end on the 29th and being the sharp businessman that he is, sent all his available funds to China so he would be able to get in on that deal and have his goods shipped in from which he would make 500 percent profit!

Its also possible Mr Promise woke up and had a sharp pain in his right side, he was immediately rushed to the hospital where it was discovered that his appendix had ruptured, of course he was in surgery so he couldnt pick up his phone or reply any text messages.

And then maybe Mr Promise is just one of those wealthy people who would rather spend their money on a good time than help a dying man with a drop of water!

Either way it happened, Mr CPHR is screwed, he has been booted to the streets and as human beings we'll jump to the conclusion that Mr Promise is a wicked man.

Its the same in many other areas of human interaction, we are subject to our environment many times and may be unable to do anything to change what is or how things turn out. Doesn't mean we are evil.

People are bound to let you down, if I promised to come pay you a visit and then my car broke down right outside my gate or worse; my in-laws chose that day to come visit, what do I do?

I'm not so pessimistic as to say abandon hope in humans, infact I believe strongly in the human nature. Man has the potential and the ability to do great and amazing things. I'm only saying leave room for the "human factor" which will most times explain the "why"

The minute you understand that the only one who won't let you down is God, then all will be well. We do know as the Good Book has said "God is not a man" he is not subject to the things we are.You will begin to see things differently, be less disappointed or disillusioned.....

It will be easier to let things go! And when you are able to do that, you'll have a happier life!

Have yourselves a good weekend people. "Let the good times roll"

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