Monday, 4 February 2013


Thank God for phones which produce high quality photos. We are now able to capture some really crazy things we otherwise wouldn't have. I've seen pictures that made me ask questions like, what was the person(or persons) thinking, what did they hope to achieve? can someone please explain what they are doing?..... In a nutshell, WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?? So I decided to dedicate a post everyday to the most ridiculous pictures we've ever come across, maybe someone can be so kind as to tell us exactly what is going on in the picture!

Here's today's picture

If you ask me what's going on here, i'd say she's practicing for the next Olympics, she's a gymnast you know! lol

Feel free to tell us what you think is going on here! And if you have any funny photos to share, do send them to abnefertiti@gmail .com and we'll be glad to upload em!

1 comment:

  1. I can see u r gradually turning into a clown.
    NB: the monster is still available for all ye friendzoners *evil grin*
